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Navodila za WorldSpot.net
Nastavitev hotspota
Za postavitev hotspot tocke se morate prvo registrirati na spletni strani WorldSpot.net , kjer si ustvarite brezplacni dostop.
V tem delu boste nastavili operacijski sistem na vaš router in na njej nastavili povezavo na spletno stran worldhotspot s pomocjo katere boste ustvarili svoj hotpsot.
Ko bo nastavitev narejena, boste ob prijavi bili preusmerjeni na vstopno spletno stran worldspot od tam pa boste preusmerjeni na željeno spletno stran, ki jo boste dolocili sami. Uporabniku boste lahko omogocili brezplacni dostop do interneta.
Ko vse deluje, lahko oblikujete vaš hotspot na spletni strani hotspot.net.
Potrebna strojna oprema
Za delovanje potrebujete router, ki ima možnost da na njega nasnamete drugi operacijski sistem (firmwear). Primerni router je linksys WRT54GL ali pa kak drugi, ki ima vsaj 4 MB flash spomina, na katerega boste lahko naložili operacijski sistem DD-WRT in nato še chilispot.
Odvisno od države lahko Wordspot priskrbi potrebni router
WorldSpot firmware
WorldSpot ponuja tudi svoj operacijski sistem za routerje - firmware, ki deluje na odprti kodi openwrt backfire in deluje s spletno stranjo WordSpot.net.
Vec informacij o operacijskem sistemu za routerje WorldSpot firmware.
CoovaAP Firmware hotspot avtomatska nastavitev
Worldspot ja združljiv z operacijskim sistemom CoovaAP firmware , ki privzeto vsebuje hotspot nastavitev. CoovaAP ima za osnovoopenwrt.
- Sledi navodilom na tej strani CoovaAP navodila za namestitev
- Vaš router mora biti povezan internetom preko vašega modema.
- Ko imate na routerju nasneto Coova firmware, nastavite v podrocju wifi dostopa in preverite, ce vam deluje internet.
Za menjavo Coova loga se povežite z:
- Pojdi na hotspot/advanced
- Zbriši "uam homepage"
- Klikni "save changes"
Sedaj lahko nastavite hotspot.
- Pojdi na hotspot/configuration.
- Na hotspot type, izberi "Chillispot UAM"
- Na autoconfiguration, izberi "Web url"
Na Web izberi URL, paste the coova autoconfig url that is shown in
"Display config info" in your worldspot account. You can also use this
&pass= (replace the <...>) - Pusti config name and config password prazen
- Na config interval, napiši 0
- Klikni in shrani spremembe.
- Ko urediš vse nastavitve klikni na "config changes pending" (upper right), klikni vkljuci spremembe.
- Malo pocakajte in hotspot bo zacel delovati.
Ce se zmotite pri postavitvi vstopne strani si lahko demo verzijo presnamete iz worldspot landing page.
Kopiraj in prilepi url pred "Display config info" iz vašea worldpsot racuna.
OBVESTILO: Ce ne želite da se vaše geslo izpiše v url vrstici lahko uporabite hotspot skriti naslov
Open-Mesh.com routers
Open-Mesh.com sell routers that are shipped with ROBIN firmware (which is also compatible with foneras).
Mesh networking uses an advanced wireless routing protocol and allows easy large scale deployments by adding routers nodes which act as intelligent repeaters.
- Connect to the open-mesh dashboard: http://www.open-mesh.com/dashboard.php
- Create a network if you haven't created one.
- Add your routers nodes by clicking on "Add/Edit nodes"
- Once created and logged in your network, click on "access point #1"
- In "Captive Portal Type" click on captive portal providers, and "worldspot.net"
- Copy/paste the 3 fields that are needed from your worldspot account, in "display config info", in the chillispot configuration section.
- The allowed domains option should be correctly be pre-filled. they should contain at least "paypal.com,paypalobjects.com,112.207.net" for paypal access. You may add additionnal domains there.
- Once finished, click on "update network"
Your open-mesh router should automatically be reconfigured after a
moment. You may check in the dashboard status if it is up and running.
This setup only needs to be done once per mesh network. To add more nodes, simply click on "Add/edit nodes".
DD-WRT Firmware
DD-WRT uses an old version of chillispot and lacks important features that may lead to instability.
DD-WRT is no more recommended.
The hotspot installation is presented in the welcome page and in the dd-wrt hotspot setup procedure.
Nastavitev hotspot strani
Na tej strani boste nastavili obliko za uvodno spletno stran hotspot tocke. Tukaj je nekaj navodil, kaj lahko spreminjate::
Ime hotspota
Tu lahko spremenite ime hotspota. Ime ni potrebno biti enako kot SSID. To je vaš hotspot radius ID. Ce je vaš hotspot deloval med tem ko ste mu spremenili ime bo nehal delovati.
Uporabniki se morajo potrditi, da lahko uporabljajo hotspot
Ta možnost omogoca, da mora uporabnik pred uporabo brezplacnea interneta potrditi svoj e-poštni naslov. Pri kuponih se je potrebno predhodno še registrirati.
Ko uporabnik klikne povezavo, se mu dodeli brezplacni uporabnik. V zodovini obiskovalcev se bo zabeležil kot anonimni uporabnik. Ce nastavite enega uporabnika in mu nastavite 1uro brezplacnega interneta, bo do tega lahko dostopal samo en uporabnik za dolocen cas.
Dovolitev dostopa za 5 minut z namenom potrditve e-sporocila
Za uporabo kuponov (placljivea interneta) se mora uporabnik reistrirati in potrditi svoj e-naslov. Zato je uporabniku omoocen 5 minutni dostop do interneta.
Ce uporabnik v 5 minutah ne potrdi e- naslova, ga bo lahko znova potrdil cez 5 minut, nato cez 30 minut, 60 min, 24 urah.
Ta zašcita deluje na doloceno medijsko napravo.
Uporabnik se poveže takoj po potrditvi
Uporabnik je povezan z internetom takoj po tem, ko vpiše uporabniško ime in gelo. Vstopna stran se preskoci, razen ce ni povezave.. With this option, your users will be connected directly after they enter their login/password. The intermediate page is skipped, unless the connection is impossible.
Minimalna vsebina na vstopni strani
Pri prijavi dolocena vsebina ne bo prikazana, tako bo spletna stran lažje. Uporabnikova statistika povezav in povezave ostalih uporabnikov bodo skrite.
Za uporabo kuponov (placljivega interneta) se je potrebno predhodno reistrirati
Ob prijavi se bo zahtevalo, da se vaši uporabniki registrirajo, preden vnesejo kodo za kupon.
Ko se uporabniki registrirajo in prijavijo lahko vnesejo kodo za kupon (uporabo placljivega interneta).
V zgodovini obiskov boste videli ime uporabnika in kodo kupona.
Vec informacij o uporabniku
Na vstopni strani vidite zgodovino vseh obiskovalcev, brezplacnih in placljivih.
Preusmeritev URL-ja
Po vstopni strani lahko izberete spletno stran, na katero se preusmeri uporabnika, po prijavi preko vstopne tocke. Spletni naslov je lahko "http:" ali "https:"
Zaželjeno je, da vsebujespletna stan, na katero uporabnike preusmerimo gumb za odjavo iz sistema.
Povezava in za odjavo
Za coova uporabnike je povezava in za odjavao
Te povezave ne delujejo za brezplacne uporabnike.
Pozdravno besedilo za uporabnike hotspota
Tu se uredi spletno stran, ki jo bodo videli uporabniku pri vstopu. Z WYSIWYG urejevalnikom boste lahko besedilu dodali tudi sliko, flash ali vide.
Uredi stran za uporabnike
Ko kliknete na urejanje uporabnikove strani, se vam odpre drui urejevalnik stran. Tu boste nastavili glavo spletne strani (header - banner) in levi meni.
Pod glavo morate mujno napisati "%(content)" , to je vsebina, ki smo jo zapisali v prvem urejevalniku. .
Možnosti za dodatno vsebino ne bo vec, lahko pa dodate povezave na dolocene starni z vsebino.
mesto povezav | |
User history (useful only for registered users) | UserHist?uam=1 |
Change language |
Uam?lng=fr (supported language codes are actually en, fr, es, sv, de, no, it, pl) |
Account Settings (useful only for registered users) | AccountSetting?uam=1 |
Back to landing page | Uam |
Obvestilo: v povezovalnem urejevalniku ne izberite http:// ampak samo nadaljni zapis povezave (npr. www.webmojstri.si).
Dostop do uporabnikove strani
Here you describe all the limitations that you will apply to your users. In order to get your hotspot working you need to define at least one access profile.
An access profile can be 'offered for free' to all users and/or associated to a ticket or sold online.
For each access profile, you must also select the hotspots to which it applies. All tickets and users of the access profile can roam between all the hotspots that are selected. If the hotspot is not selected, the ticket won't be valid or the access won't be showed in the free access list
For example, you can setup a free 30 minutes trial access profile and create another 2h access profile dedicated to tickets that you sell.
You can setup the total allowed time or volume in your profile. This means that the user can connect multiple times to reach the profile limitations.
When entering a time, you can use units starting with: "d" for day "h" for hour "s" for second. For example: 1h40m35s or 1 hour 40 minutes 35s
When entering a volume, you can use the following units starting with: "k" for kilo (1024), "m" for mega (1024kilo), "g" for giga (1024 mega). When displayed, the value will use the biggest unit.
The "Time to reset limitation" parameter allows you to set an automatic reset of the limitations after the limitations are reached and after the specified amount of time after the first connection is reached. This unique feature allows you to limit the usage of your hotspot during several periods of time. For example you can limit to 2 hours per day or 10GByte per week.
The "Expiration time after first connection" option disables the access after the specified amount of time after the first connection, whatever the hotspot usage.
Koda za kupone
Tickets are the same as private accounts. The only difference with private accounts, is that you can choose the login and password. For Tickets they are automatically generated.
On private accounts, there is a specific option: "multiple usage ticket". When enabled, the account limitations will be handled per user device, and the account is allowed to be used simultaneously on multiple devices. When not enabled, no simultaneous usage is allowed, and limitations are handled whatever the devices that are used.
Here you choose how to manage your hotspot. You have the choice of setting up multiple usage tickets or pre-print your tickets. Each solution has its advantages: With multiple tickets, you don't have to handle tickets at the desk. However, it is handled per mac address. If a user can change its mac address, it can bypass the limitations. With pre-printed tickets, you have no limitation bypass possibility, and you can use the printed ticket as a communication medium to advertise for your business. You can also use both solutions e.g. display a free trial multiple usage ticket code in all your hotel rooms. If the client needs more, you can sell pre-printed tickets.
To edit or reset whatever ticket or account, simply recreate it. If the login matches, the created ticket will simply replace the existing one
Generator kod (avtomatsko ustvarjanje kod )
You can create multiple tickets and let worldspot create the ticket names and password. You just specify some informations like
- an access profile
- a ticket name prefix that you can use to identify your ticket bundles
- a numbering start (note zeros will be prepended so that there will be 4 digits)
- the number of tickets
- the password length
- and the password type (numeric or alphanumeric)
Once created you can then print your ticket bundle in the ticket printing page.
To extend a ticket bundle, select the bundle to extend and click
"select". All your bundle settings will be automatically reloaded so
that you only have to specify the number of ticket you want to add to
the existing bundle.
Soon you will be able to create and print your bundle in one single step.
Tiskanje kuponov
In the ticket printing page, you can fully customize your ticket content with the WYSIWYG editor and include your own logo. You have to use specific keywords what will be replaced when printing:
- %(login) is the ticket login
- %(password) is the ticket password
- %(profileDesc) is your access profile short description (optionnal)
- %(profileName) is your access profile name (optionnal)
Once you created your ticket model, you must give it a name and click
"create new", it will save your ticket model in a new entry. If you
click on save, it will overwrite your existing ticket, even if you
change the name.
Then select the tickets that you want to print (click display to have
the ticket list), then you can click on "print" after selecting the
number of rows and columns per page.
Mac Address kuponi
You can create (and sell) tickets for ANY wifi device, including wifi phones (or game consoles) that don't have web browsers! Or you can also register your personal PC for unlimited use without the need for registering. To enable MAC address Authentication, you must enable MACAuth in dd-wrt. (or simply add "macauth" in chilli.conf)
Please keep in mind that the mac address is easily sniffed and duplicated in some wifi devices. It is NOT secure!
Prijava naslova MAC address
Simply create an private account whose login is the MAC address. (a mac address is 6 hexadecimal bytes in uppercase separated by a "-" : 00-AA-BB-CC-DD-EE ) For the password, the default chillispot MAC authentication password is "password". You can change this value by adding "macpasswd mypasswd" in chilli.conf or dd-wrt chillispot additional options. You can choose any access profile for the mac address.
Kako dobiti uporabnikov mac address?
This procedure is a little tricky: You must ask your users to connect their wifi device to your hotspot ssid. Then they must switch it off after the ip address was assigned by chillispot. Your user must note the time at which the connection was done and give it to you. In the hotspot history you will get a MAC_UNKNOWN entry with a message 'Mac address unknown'. You can then copy paste the mac address into a new private account. You must ask your user not to switch on the device before 10 minutes after it was off. Switching off the device during 10 minutes is the only way that was found for chillispot to make a new authentication request. If the device is switched on before the 10 minutes, there won't be any new mac address authentication request made, and the device will still be considered as unauthenticated. As the device does not have a web browser, it cannot login nor logout, the device must be switched off during 10 minutes to be considered as disconnected.
If your access profile limit is reached temporarily, and you must reconnect, you must switch the device off during 10 minutes.
Placevanje internetnega dostopa
Your hotspot users can pay their internet access online with a credit card or a paypal account, making your hotspot sales totally automated. Unlike most existing solutions, payments are made directly from your clients into your own paypal account, so you don't have to wait to get your money.
You have the choice of sharing your hotspot revenue or subscribing a monthly fee to get 100% of all revenues. In case of sharing, WorldSpot will alternatively bill users for your account and WorldSpot account maintaining at least 75% revenue for you. The revenue share is calculated on the net income (after removing the paypal fee). You never get less than your revenue share. This means that WorldSpot never owes you any money.
In order to let WorldSpot bill your users for you, you need a premier or business paypal account and grant WorldSpot your permission to make the express checkout API calls for you.
If you don't have a paypal account, click here to get a new one.
In some countries you might get a paypal micropayment account to get lower fees for payments under 12$.
Once you have your premier or business paypal account, log into it, then go in My account / Profile / Account information / API Access then click on "Grant API Permission".
In the API partner Username enter paypal1_api1.worldspot.net, select Express_Checkout then click on submit.
Then in the worldspot website, go "Setup online billing" enter your paypal account, and select your currency.
Simply create an access profile and set a price for it, then it will appear in the landing page!
Then you are almost done. You must add paypal website to the list of allowed websites that the user can access without being connected to the hotspot. To do this you must use CoovaChilli uamdomain option to allow paypal domains.
uamdomain paypal.com uamdomain paypalobjects.com uamdomain 112.2o7.net
Note that DD-WRT (that uses older chillispot) does not have these options, and may cause problems connecting to paypal. If you use CoovaAP auto config or worldspot firmware, you don't have to do this as it is automatically configured for you.
Et voilà, your hotspot is ready for selling access tickets in a fully automatic way.