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Operacijski sistem firmweare WorldSpot.net
Operacijski sistem za routerje - firmware, ki a je izdelalo porjetje worldspot.net na osnovi openwrt.
- Enostavna namestitev: Ustvariti moraš račun na našem worldspot strani in mu daje imena, mac naslov in nastaviti vstopno točko. Ponovno vključite router , da se povezava vzpostavi.
- Oddaljena namestitev: Vse namestitve dostopa se nastavljajo na nadzorni plošči na spletni strani worldspot.net
- Na podlagi OpenWRT: združljiva z velikim izborom strojne opreme.
- MultiSsid: Po strojne opreme, ki podpira več SSID, z možnostjo dveh ločenih WiFi omrežji:
- Javni hotspot SSID: vroča javno omrežje
- Zasebni hotspot SSID: WPA šifriranega omrežje, ki je povezan z vašim zasebnim LAN omrežjem. Seveda lahko izberete SSID omrežja z zaščitnim elosm tako kot tudi v zasebnem wifi.
Hotspot spremljanje: Vsakih 10 minut se srborit stiki WorldSpot strežnike, da prinese svojo konfiguracijo (checkin). Če WorldSpot strežniki ne zasledimo checkin po določenem času, je sporočilo poslal, da vas opozorim, da lahko pride do težav z dostopno točko.
Vaš router je priključen na vaš modem preko internetnega WAN priklopa. Hotspot je povezan le z vašim routerjem in posredno z modemom.
vaš router ne pa vašea modema.Le uspelo hotspot.Hotspot usmerjevalnik je, da se priključi na obstoječi lokalnega omrežja modem / router, prek interneta / WAN pristanišče.
Installation instructions
- Register to WorldSpot.net
- Validate your email
- Create a hotspot. Give it a name. This is only a configuration that can be shared between multiple hotspots.
- Go in WorldSpot Firmware/Node Setup. This section is specific to WorldSpot firmware
- Enter your router mac address. It should be written under the router.
- Give the router a name
- Choose your hotspot configuration (multiple routers can share the same configuration)
- Click on Create Node
- You can then flash your hotspot router by following the hardware specific flashing instructions below.
- Once flashed, you simply have to plug your hotspot router WAN/INTERNET ethernet port to your existing modem/router Local Area Network (LAN). You must not plug it through its LAN ports. Your existing LAN must provide a DHCP service for the hotspot to get its internet configuration.
At boot, the hotspot router should retrieve its configuration from WorldSpot servers (called checkin) every 10 minutes. In WorldSpot Firmware/Node Setup page, you should be able to see a checkin date and time.
If you see the checkin time, then you should be able to connect to the hotspot public wifi, and start to test and tune your hotspot configuration.
If you don't see the checkin time after some minutes, there are some things you can try:
- Double check the mac address entered in WorldSpot Firmware/Node Setup.
- Please check that you get the internet from your LAN by connecting the ethernet cable of your hotspot router to your laptop (or PC) ethernet port. The DHCP service must work.
- If OK, power off your hotspot router (pull the cord), connect back the ethernet cable to its INTERNET/WAN port (very important), then power on the hotspot router again.
- After one or two minutes, check on the WordSpot account/WorldSpot Firmware/Node Setup if you see a checkin time.
- If still no checkin, something may have gone wrong during the flashing process. Please go back to the router specific flashing instructions.
Flashing WorldSpot firmware
Warning: Flashing your router may void its warranty. Flashing your router with inapropriate firmware can "brick" your router. WorldSpot takes no responsability about this.
If you don't feel comfortable about flashing your router, then you shouldn't. WorldSpot.net can provide preflashed routers. Please contact WorldSpot.net.
WorldSpot firmware is currently tested on the following routers (Please click on the link to get flashing instructions):
- Linksys WRT54GL (brcm47xx)
- TP-LINK TL-WR741ND v1.8,v2.0, TL-WR841ND v5.4, TL-WR941ND, TL-WR1043ND (ar71xx). These routers have a good performance for a low price.
- Fonera, Openmesh (accton MR3201A) (atheros)
WorldSpot firmware should be compatible with most openwrt backfire compatible devices. If you want to use another hardware, please read this page.